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Oh joy, another ‘inspirational’ quote


Updated: Mar 7, 2021

Back off sparky, today is not the one.

I didn’t expect to be writing another blog post so soon. I didn’t actually intend on writing this one at all. But this has been a difficult week, one of the toughest I’ll ever face, and it got me thinking about the purpose of this blog.

Would I want to escape to here in my current state? Not if I’m going to be slapped in the face with a photo-shopped sun rise telling me to “count my blessings” and “today’s a new day.”

Oh is it? IS IT?? Well on this new day, why don’t YOU count my blessings for me as I shove each one up your…are you catching my drift?

At some point those are the things I’ll need to hear. But today is not the day.

So I wanted to be clear for you all that this is not somewhere you’ll be told that you should only ever be happy and skipping through life. It isn’t somewhere you’ll be made to feel you should hide your worries away when the arse is falling out of your world.

No, that’s not healthy. There’s a reason Hasbro made one of the Care Bears into Grumpy Bear (y’all will think I’m obsessed…). It’s the same reason that all the other Emotions in Inside Out learned how important it is to let Sadness do her thing (if you haven’t seen this Disney Pixar marvel, it’s a gem). It’s part of who we are, it’s part of how we grow.

This is a place to visit feeling exactly as you feel, knowing that while you’re here, no one is going to pile any more onto your shoulders.

I can’t promise I won’t flash about any inspirational or motivational quotes, either here or over on ‘the gram.’ But I will think carefully before I do. If there’s a danger it could tell us to suck it up and move on before we’re ready, it’s a goner. I’ll think back to how I feel today, and whether it would have made me want to throw my phone at the head of whoever wrote it. I’m calling it the Oh F*** Off test.

One man whose quotes I think might always pass that test is Charlie Mackesy. If you have a heavy heart and haven’t yet read his beautiful The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, then do. It’s not a cure but it does bring some peace to the mind and soul.

I was sent the book by my beautiful cousin Emma when I needed it, and from the words to the drawings to the feel of the cover, it’s grounding in its purity and truth.

So there you have it. Maybe I needed this clarity for me more than for you, but there it is for you all anyway.

Also, if you’re thinking “is she just filling her posts with photos she’s quickly snapped herself at home?”, then yes. Yes I am. The fact I’m sat here in my pyjamas taking unfiltered, no make-up selfies and sticking them up for the world to see is making me laugh my arse off. What a pro!

Until next time,

Lyds, out x


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