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New Year, Who Dis?


Jokes, it’s 2022 and I’m not changing a thing.

A selfie of me in front of my Christmas tree on New Years Eve, holding up a drink in a Hogwarts Yule Ball glass.
New Years Eve selfie, closed mouth smile!

Except my teeth. I’m starting the year off with appointments to get Invisalign* to straighten my front gnashers. These past few years I’ve become more and more aware of them in photos and it’s started to make me conscious of my smile. That makes me sad because smiles are one of the most wonderful things in the world and we should all feel beautiful when we smile. So it’s happening and I genuinely cannot wait!

I don’t know what you think about cosmetic procedures, it can be quite an emotive subject. My instinct is that everyone is a natural beauty and we should all love ourselves exactly as we are. Imperfectly perfect, and perfectly you. But then I remember I had a nose job at 19 years old so therefore may be talking out of my arse.

A friend of mine has recently had a hair transplant and the joy and confidence it has brought him is undeniable. It was the same with my nose. To this day it remains the best thing I have ever done for my own wellbeing. It is no exaggeration to say that it changed my life.

Photo of my reflection in the mirror, wearing a grey jumper with LOVE written across it in big capital letters.
LOVE top photo in the mirror...see what I did there?!

So I think then, my view is this; we should all be able to look in the mirror and love ourselves. If to do that, you feel the need to take some sort of action, and can do so safely, go for it!

You will have been gorgeous before and you will still be after, but that new found confidence can make you glow. You’ll know from my last blog post how important I think self-confidence is. But I think ‘self’ is the key word here. Anything we do when it comes to our bodies should be for us. Not to conform to unrealistic images portrayed across media (most of which are altered) and definitely not because somebody else wants you to change. It should always come back to you, your happiness and your mental and physical wellbeing.

Cartoon image of me in pyjamas and slippers, with a purple blanket round my shoulders, a mug of tea and medicine bottles and spoons by me feet, and a thermometer in my mouth
Drawn by Emily from Thomkat Illustrations, to cheer me up in isolation. I love it!

That is something I’m particularly excited about this year; feeling both physically and mentally well. Let’s just ignore the fact I’m writing this later than planned as the ‘rona finally got me at Christmas. Waking up exhausted is a new sensation and I’m not a lover of it!

But that aside, that’s what 2022 is all about for me. Of course I will also hit the big 40 this year and intend to celebrate in every possible way. I can milk it, and quite frankly, I will.

Most exciting of all, is where my Written by Lyds journey might take me over these next 12 months. Since my last blog post, I’ve created a series of illustrated poems in collaboration with Emily from Thomkat Illustrations. Thank you for your response to these, particularly the ones for Breast Cancer Awareness Week and Remembrance Day. If you haven’t read them already, you can find them on the Illustrated Poems page.

An image of our Check Your Cha-Cha's illustrated poem for Breast Cancer Awareness Week.
Check Your Cha-Cha's. Written by Lyds, Drawn by Thomkat

We’ve got so much planned together for 2022, as well as individually. It will be a challenge fitting it all in but I’m here for it!

So there you have it. No New Year resolutions. 2022 isn’t about a new me. It’s about being the me I’ve always known and loved, and finding out what this next chapter has in store. I’m very much looking forward to writing it.

If you’ve made any resolutions, I hope they are ones that will add to the overall joy and happiness in your life. If not, maybe think about ditching them before they bring you down.

Happy New Year y’all. May it be filled with love, laughter and lots of gappy, crooked, crowded, toothy smiles. You’re beautiful when you smile.

Lyds out x

*Not an ad. As if I’d ever be influential enough!


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1 Comment

Jan 10, 2022

love your blogs Lydia. As always this is no exception. Made me laugh out loud. I share your sentiments about cosmetic work - I'm concious of my smile because my teeth are a little uneven so tend to avoid sharing photos where my smile includes teeth!

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