And welcome to Written by Lyds, where there's just one goal - to brighten your day.
The written word can be powerful. Use it well and it can become a superpower. And like any superpower, it can be used for good or for evil. I choose good.
At Written by Lyds, I create content that helps people to understand people. That brings connection on a human and emotional level. That encourages thought and compassion in place of assumption and judgement.
Through my blog and my poems, my work for business clients as a freelance content writer, and through my own fiction material that I'm busy writing in the background, I try to bring light, humour and warmth into the world. Even to the most complex or sensitive of subjects.

Client Services
As a content writer, I help ethical businesses, of any shape and size, engage and connect with people on a human and emotional level by creating realistic, relatable content.
Whether you're after a series of blog posts, information or educational guides, topic-specific articles or have something else in mind, I'd love to see how I can help. Drop me an email to arrange an initial chat.

My blog is for anyone and everyone looking for a 5 minute breather from the world. I write as I think, and never know when the urge to write something new will strike, nor what it will be about. But I can promise you, it will always be authentically me.
Light, bright relief that's good for the soul!

Illustrated Poems
I've teamed up with Emily Powell from Thomkat Illustrations to create beautifully illustrated poems for you to enjoy!
Watch this space for the launch of our personalised poem service, where we'll create bespoke words and pictures for you or the people you love! Think big birthdays, weddings, retirement and more, celebrated with a framed illustrated poem based on the information you provide. Coming soon in early 2022!